NatWest Premier Banking

Hi, how can we help you today?

Need a quick and easy answer?

Our digital assistant, Cora, is available 24/7 and is ready to help you in all sorts of ways, including:

  • your day-to-day banking
  • arranging an appointment with a Premier manager
  • making large-value payments
  • finding your way with the app or Online Banking
  • exploring our products and services

...and if Cora can't help, you'll be transferred to one of our Premier 24 team, who'll be happy to help.

Have questions about your account benefits?

You can contact Membership Services for any questions about your benefits, whether it's reporting a car breakdown or home emergency request, or anything else related to your Reward Black, Black, Platinum, or Silver accounts.

Call us:

  • Reward Black and Black accounts: 0345 601 7188
  • Platinum account: 0345 609 0453
  • Silver account: 0345 601 5219

Calling from abroad: +44 2392 660 340

Relay UK: 18001 0345 601 7188

Alternatively, you can email or write to us.


Level up your security with Voice ID

Voice ID is a security feature for Telephone Banking customers. It authenticates you using your voice, so you don't have to use your password. It's a quick and secure way of protecting your account.

Voice ID is available to Telephone Banking customers aged 18+.

Emergency contacts

Find answers in our FAQs

Still can't find what you're looking for?

Give us a call:

Telephone: 0333 202 3330
International: +44 161 933 7239
Relay UK: 18001 0333 202 3330